Learning and Motivation Syllabus and Study Material
A. Concept of Learning:
In the process of education learning occupies a quite central place. That ever exists in our educational set up is meant for the learning of the learners i.e. students. So “fore it is quite essential for you as a would be teacher to be acquainted with the concept of the term learning. Let us analyse the concept of the term learning by
- Gardner Murphy – “The term learning covers every modification in behavior to meet environmental requirements.”
- Henry P. Smith – “Learning is the acquisition of new behavior or the strengthening or weakening of old behavior as the result of experience.
- Woodworth – “Any activity can be called learning so far as it develops the individual (in any respect, good or bad) and makes him alter behavior and experiences different from what that would otherwise have been.
- Kingsley and Garry – “Learning is the process by which behavior (in the broader sense) is organized or changes through practice or training”.
B. Concept of Motivation:
- “Motivation is the basic problem of psychology in Education.” – Bernard
- “Motivation is the super-highway to learning.” – Skinner
- “Motivation is the central factor in the efficient management of the process of learning. Some type of motivation must be present in all learning.” – Kelly
C. Theories of Learning:
Learning the theories have generated controversy which has extended research in several directions, with the result that some psychologists are beginning to think in terms of learning “systems” rather than of one theoretical approach that covers everything. But even this statement can raise controversy.
Association Theory.
Drive Stimulus Reduction Theory
Cognitive Theories.
C.1) Factors Affecting Learning
(i) Teaching, Instruction and Learning:
In order to understand there are meaning of teaching, it is essential to understand the difference the difference between Teaching, Instruction, and learning. Hence, we are clarifying the differences in these three terms in the following line?
Teaching: In teaching, an interaction occurs between the teacher and the pupils. As a result of which the pupils are diverted towards the objective*. In order words, the main element of teaching i.e. the mutual relationship or the interaction between the teacher and the pupils advances the pupils towards objectives
Instruction: The instruction does not involve an interaction between the teacher and the pupil. Still the instruction can divert the pupils towards objectives. The main difference between teaching and instruction is that the teaching includes instruction but the instruction does not include teaching. Hence, the teaching is instruction but the instruction is not teaching. In spite of this, all the three cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the pupils can be developed by teaching, while by instruction, only cognitive aspect can be developed. Hence, no instruction can replace the teaching. In short, instruction is that process which diverts the pupils towards the objectives of cognitive aspect.
Learning: Learning means – (a) activities and (b) experience. Both teaching and instruction influence learning through various activities and experiences. Hence, the learning and teaching mean the modification of pupils’ behaviour through activities and experiences.
Characteristics of learning:
- Learning involves change.
- All learning involves activities.
- Learning Requires Interaction.
- Constitute Learning.
- Learning is a Lifelong Process.
- Learning Occurs Randomly Throughout Life.
- Learning Involves Problems Solving.
- Learning is the Process of Acquiring Information.
- Learning Involves far more than Thinking.
- Experience is Necessary for Learning.
Learning Styles:
- Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques
- Using multiple learning styles and multiple intelligence for learning is a relatively new approach.
- By recognizing and understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you. This improves the speed and quality of your learning.
- Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
- Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
- Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
- Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
- Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
- Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
- Solitary (interpersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
D. Learning and Motivation:
Motives originate during our lifetime, largely through experiences involving other people, because, they are developed through personal and social contracts, these motives are referred to as personal, social or acquired motives. Some of our motives are inborn, determined by our physiological inheritance.
According to educational psychologists, three factors affect learning;
- D.1) Motivational factors
- D.2) Physiological factors
- D.3) Environment factors.
D.1) Motivational factors
Motivational factors are psychological factors that condition learning. Sufficient motivational force, not only initiates activity which results in learning, but also sustains and directs its. Kinds of Motivation: There are two kinds of motivation in the context of learning. These are:
Intrinsic motivation:
Extrinsic motivation:
D.1.1) Factors Accounting for Motivation:
There are four factors which account for motivation –
- Arousal
- Expectancy
- Incentives
- Punishment
D.1.2) Theories of Motivation:
The main theories of Motivation are as under –
- Instinctive Theory of Motivation
- Psycho-analytic Theory of Motivation.
- Behaviouristic Theory of Motivation.
- Murray’s Need Theory of Motivation.
- Maslow’s Hierarchical Theory of Motivation.
- Hygiene Theory of Motivation.
- Pawn Theory
D.2) Physiological factors
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