Monday, 2 December 2019

CTET Paper 2015 September │Child Development and Pedagogy


Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.
1. Gender bias refers to:
(a) differential treatment of boys and girls based on expectations due to cultural attitude.
(b) genetic differences that exist between boys and girls.
(c) perception of self as relatively feminine and masculine in characteristics.
(d) acknowledgement of differences between boys and girls due to their physiology.
2. As an upper primary school teacher you have quite a few children who are ‘First generation school goers’ in your classroom. Which one of the following are you most likely to do?
(a) Call the parents and gently ask them to enroll their children for tuition.
(b) Provide scaffolding and other kinds of support during classroom activities and for homework.
(c) Give them homework of memorizing and copying the answers in their notebooks five times.
(d) Tell the children that they do not have the capability to study further and they should now help their parents at work.
3. Even children of the same age vary greatly in appearance, abilities, temperament, interests, aptitude amongst other things. What is the role of the school in this regard?
(a) Ensure that each child gets opportunities to develop as per her potential.
(b) Lay down normative standards of assessment for children.
(c) Ensure that the teacher uses standardized instruction and textbooks.
(d) Ensure that all children develop in the same manner.
4. A teacher’s most important role in an inclusive classroom is:
(a) to plan for the class so that every child progresses at the same pace.
(b) to ensure that the teacher gives standard instructions to the class.
(c) to find out the occupations of parents of children so that the teacher knows what each child’s future occupation would be.
(d) to ensure that every child gets an opportunity to realize her potential.
(a) By giving children an opportunity to express their own understanding of the concepts.
(b) By dictating the information to the children and then asking them to memorize it.
(c) By punishing children if their concepts are wrong.
(d) By giving factual information.
6. A certificate is given to children when they read a specific number of books. In the long run this strategy might not work since:
(a) reading books would distract children from completing their homework.
(b) this might lead to children reading only for getting the certificates.
(c) the library would need to buy a lot of books.
(d) A large number of certificates would have to be given. when more children start reading.
7. Role of a teacher in a class is to:
(a) transmit knowledge in a straight fashion and prepare students for right answers.
(b) follow the time-table strictly and stick to the course.
(c) provide authentic learning situations and facilitate independent thinking in students.
(d) fill the students with her own knowledge and prepare them for examinations.
8. Which of the following statements is most appropriate about childrens making errors?
(a) Children’s error are a window into how they think.
(b) To avoid making errors, children need to imitate the teacher.
(c) children’s errors need to be taken seriously and they should be punished severely so that they do not repeat the mistakes.
(d) Children commit errors since they do not have the capacity to think.
9. Assesssment is an intergral part of teaching-learning process because:
(a) Children need to be marked so that they know where they stand in comparison to their peers.
(b) assessment helps the teachers to understand children’s learning and serves as a feedback for her own teaching.
(c) assessment is the only way to ensure that teachers have taught and students have learnt.
(d) in today’s time marks are the only important thing in education.
10. “The curriculum must enable children to find their voices, nurture their curiosity – to do things, to ask questions and to pursue investigations, sharing and integrating their experiences with school knowledge – rather than their ability to reproduce textual knowledge.” National Curriculum Framework 2005, p-13.
Againts this backdrop, what should be the primary role of the teacher?
(a) to ensure that the teacher asks good question and the children write the answers in their notebooks.
(b) to give plenty of opportunities to children to share their own understanding and knowledge.
(c) to discard the experiences of the children and focus on the text-book.
(d) to do the chapters of the textbooks sequentially.
11. To encourage children to put in efforts in their studies teachers need to:
(a) scold the child.
(b) control the child.
(c) compare the child with others.
(d) motivate the child.
12. Which one of these statements in the context of emotions, learning and motivation is most appropriate?
(a) Learning something new is dependent on how good we are at that.
(b) Emotions need to be pushed aside to allow for learning to take place.
(c) Emotions are inextricably intertwined with motivation and learning.
(d) Emotions do not play any role in motivating us to learn.
13. Multiple Choice Questions assess the child’s ability to:
(a) recall the correct answer.
(b) construct the correct answer.
(c) explain the correct answer.
(d) recognize the correct answer.
14. Process of socialization does NOT include:
(a) Acquisition of skills
(b) Acquiring value and beliefs
(c) Genetic transmission
(d) Learning the customs and norms of a culture
15. What term/Phrase does Piaget use for ‘mental structures which are the building blocks of thinking’?
(a) Zones of development
(b) Gene
(c) Maturation blocks
(d) Schemas
16. According to Vygotsky why do children speak to themselves?
(a) Children use speech to guide their actions
(b) Children use their speech to attract the attention of adults to them.
(c) Children are very talkative by nature.
(d) Children are egocentric.
17. Children with learning disabilities:
(a) have low IQ
(b) have confusion between letters and alphabets that look alike.
(c) easily recognize and comprehend sight words.
(d) have retarded mental development.
18. What is Creativity?
(a) Creativity is best defined as an IQ of above 200.
(b) A form of intelligence that refers to skills that depend on accumulated knowledge and experience
(c) A form of intelligence that depends heavily on information-processing. Skills including the speed of processing.
(d) Ability to indentify or prepare original and divergent solutions to problems.
19. A lot of children in India, especially girls do household chores before coming to school and after going back from school. What do you think a teacher should do regarding homework in this context?
(a) She should give harsh punishment to the children who do not complete their homework.
(b) The teacher should give homework that connects the learning at school to the children’s lives at home.
(c) The teacher should ensure that the children wake up early in the morning and stay till late to complete their homework.
(d) Ask the parents of the children to get tuition for completing the homework for their children.
20. In an effective classroom:
(a) the children don’t have any regard for the teacher and do as they please.
(b) the children look up to the teacher for guidance and support to facilitate their learning.
(c) the children are always anxious and kept on their toes since the teacher keeps on giving regular tests to assess their ability for recall.
(d) the children fear the teacher since the teacher uses verbal and physical punishment.
21. Presenting disconnected chunks of knowledge would:
(a) make recall easier for the learners.
(b) help learners organize information on their own.
(c) make the task of the teacher difficult and that of the learners easy.
(d) make it difficult for the learners to gain conceptual understanding.
22. Do children acquire language because they are genetically predisposed to do so or because parents intensively teach them from an early age? This question essentially highlights:
(a) the discussion on development as a multi-factor ability.
(b) whether development is continuous process or discontinuous one?
(c) the influence of cognition on development of language.
(d) the nature – nurture debate.
23. Development of the capacity for abstract scientific thinking is a characteristic of:
(a) Pre-operational stage
(b) Concrete operational stage
(c) Formal operational stage
(d) Sensori-motor stage
24. A child reasons - ‘You do this for me and I’ll do that for you.’ In which stage of Kohlberg’s moral reasoning would this child fall?
(a) The punishment and obedience orientation
(b) The ‘good boy-good girl’ orientation
(c) The social-contract orientation
(d) The instrumental purpose orientation
25. Progressive education:
(a) lays strong emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking.
(b) is based on the principles of conditioning and reinforcement.
(c) is centred around textbooks since they are the only valid source of knowledge.
(d) reaffirms the belief that the teacher has to be firm in her approach and in today’s world children cannot be taught without using punishment.
26. Questions encouraging students to voice their individual opinions on issues and reflections while giving reasons for the same, promote:
(a) Recall of information
(b) Standardized assessment of children
(c) Analytical and critical thinking
(d) Convergent thinking
27. Which one of the following statements best sums up the relationship between development and learning?
(a) Learning and development are inter-related in a complex manner.
(b) Development is independent of learning.
(c) Learning trails behind development.
(d) Learning and development are synonymous terms.
28. Which one of these is NOT a principle of development?
(a) Development is influenced by both heredity and environment.
(b) Development is modifiable.
(c) Development is governed and determined by culture alone.
(d) Development is life-long.
29. A key feature of a child-centred classroom is that in which:
(a) the teacher lays down uniform ways of behaviour for children and gives them appropriate rewards when they do the same.
(b) the teacher’s role is to present the knowledge to be learned and to assess the students on standard parameters.
(c) the students with the teacher’s guidance are made responsible for constructing their own understanding.
(d) there’s coercive and psychological control of the teacher who determines the learning trajectory and the behaviour of the children.
30. Which one of the following statements is most appropriate about intelligence?
(a) Intelligence is multi-dimensional having several aspects to it.
(b) Intelligence can be reliably determined only by administering standardised IQ tests.
(c) Intelligence is fundamentally neurological functioning, for example speed of processing, sensory discrimination etc.
(d) Intelligence is the ability to do well in school.

Child Development & Pedagogy

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